Sunflower: A Poem About Goodbye

wilted sunflower at summer's end

Sunflower at end of summer

Sunflower: A Poem About Goodbye 

I watched you two this summer,

my sunflower.

You and that sun,

your love.

I saw your romp in the soil,

your greening,

your passion, heliotropic.

How your face never left his.

How you warmed, unshaded, until

even bees kissed you.

Until you even looked alike.

You stretched toward him

over careless squash vines

and distracted carrots,

reached for him past private tomatoes

and onions, who never glance up.

Then you stiffened and

plumped with seeds.

Now it’s over, isn’t it?

The romance? Your season?

You’ve changed, you know.

Today you didn’t follow him.

I saw him brush your ripened face,

kiss your neck

and move on.


Sunflower: A Poem About Goodbye, ©Cheryl Bostrom, 2018

Wilting sunflowers against blue sky

“I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving-kindness. I will build you up again . . .” Jeremiah 31:3-4

“Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5

Mature, wilting sunflower


#EverlastingLove #Sunflowerseason #GardenPoetry #watchingnatureseeinglife #scienceinpoetry

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Love the outdoors? I can take you there. Rural & wild PNW posts and photos from a naturalist, faith writer, and author of three books, including the award-winning novel Sugar Birds. Member of Redbud Writers Guild.

20 thoughts on “Sunflower: A Poem About Goodbye

  1. I pass by a garden with sunflowers on my daily commute to work. I will see them in a whole new way with your poem in mind. Thank you for the reminder of our Father’s love and faithfulness.


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