If I Stutter: A Poem for the Wordless

At the table I’m

waiting for words.

They’re shy today.

Nouns peek from

under a spoon,

their serifs showing.

In a napkin,

verbs huddle.

I crumble toast,

make a trail for

them to follow

onto paper,

fold my hands

and wait.

I’ve written your address

on the envelope,

attached the stamp.

The words still don’t come.

Your pain swamps them,

I think.


they wonder,

how can they,

all stutter and bluff,

carry so brave,

so wild,

so sure a hope

all the way to you?


If I Stutter – Cheryl Bostrom 2019


Dramatic cloud formation at sunset“For I will give you words and wisdom . . .”  —Luke 21:15



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Love the outdoors? I can take you there. Rural & wild PNW posts and photos from a naturalist, faith writer, and author of three books, including the award-winning novel Sugar Birds. Member of Redbud Writers Guild.

23 thoughts on “If I Stutter: A Poem for the Wordless

      1. Beautiful Cheryl! As a shy child and adolescent this poem really hits home. Being shy gave me lots of thinking and introspective rime. This trait has actually turned into a blessing in my adult life. Thanks for the share!


  1. I felt like you wrote this to me. I seems words are hard to come by sometimes. They are in my mind, but I have to stop and sort them out. In the process, sometimes I am able to complete the entire thought. I am relieved when that happens.


    1. Ah sweet Cheryl. This is my experience SO many often……as I explain many times on Friday mornings. That you for putting such beautiful words to ‘no words’❣️


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